
Penya plz. Penya pa po.

As you might have noticed, site hosted on got shutdown due free hosting plan changes which no longer allows this website to operate.
Site was forced to move to M$ Azure Cloud, linked to my personal credit card, where it will keep sucking dollars for the upkeep.

Donations are meant as source of funding and covering the site costs, which are at current time still unknown. I am covering initial costs myself, after that site availability will probably depend on donations.
Operating costs will try to be held low as possible, f.e. by using freeby website domain for example.

What do you get in return?
You help website to stay online.
Sorry, no pay2win functionality, no extra points, no free mvp, no free crown for you.

However, for significant donations you can claim

[Donator marker icon] All donators receives donation icon next to their name.
[Custom player color name] Donations above $10 grants you the color of your choosing
[Custom player icon] Donations above $25 grants you player icon of your choosing (24x24px), which will appear left of your name
[Custom guild color name] Donations above $50 grants your guild color of your choosing (24x24px)
[Custom guild icon] Donations above $100 grants your guild a custom icon
[Server node] Donations above $100 will add any offical or private server to the server list. For the further upload limitations, please contact me

* Mvp or crown icons are not allowed to prevent confusion
* You can claim reward after donating by emailing, including your server and ign and paypal email you donated from, if mailing email differs from the one used to pay.